Call for abstracts is now closed !
Authors notification : 10th April 2017
download the abstracts template
The International Society for Applied Phycology organizes its 6th Congress in Nantes Western France from June 18th to 23rd. On behalf of:
ISAP Executive Committee (more information on ISAP website)
the International Advisory Board of the Congress (more information on congress website)
the Local Organising committee (more information on congress website)
welcomes authors to submit abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations.
The Congress program will include presentations from keynote and invited speakers, in addition to presentations selected through the Call for Abstracts process.
The overall program of the Congress has been divided in 4 general topics: Biology, Process, Industry and Applications. The organising Committees as a whole intend to favour sound contributions based on on-going research and will accept review and prospective presentations exceptionally on the basis of their relevance, originality and importance for the future of applied phycology.
Abstracts submission deadline: 31st January 2017
Abstracts will be selected by the International Advisory Committee, which will also chose the contribution that will be presented as oral presentations or as a poster.
Authors must indicate if they submit the abstract as a oral presentation or as a poster and follow the instructions listed at the submission form and the abstracts template
Successful abstract authors will be notified on the 10th April 2017
The organisers will propose a matchmaking session.
This session will be seen as a meeting between problems and solutions. We invite delegates registering to submit topic propositions to be considered as matchmaking session. Registration to this specific session will be organised starting May 18th until June 16th.
A special Issue of the Journal of Applied Phycology will bring together peer reviewed papers issued from Oral AND Poster presentation of the 6th Congress of the ISAP. Deadline for submission of the manuscripts is July 28th 2017.
Please note that abstracts will only be accepted if the author has registered and paid by the registration deadline. All accepted abstracts will be included within the Congress Proceedings and registered delegates will receive an electronic copy prior to the Congress.